Document library for the 53rd meeting of the Executive Committee. MeetingDocs
| | | | | | |  | Post meeting summmary | English | 25/01/2008 16:14 | | 0 | Pre-session |  | List of documents | English | 30/10/2007 17:47 | | 53 | Pre-session |  | General Information Note | English | 30/10/2007 17:47 | | 53 | Pre-session |  | List of documents | English | 24/11/2007 19:40 | | 53 | Pre-session |  | Terms of reference of the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund | English | 22/11/2007 09:35 | | 53.2 | Pre-session |  | Provisional agenda | English | 04/10/2007 15:04 | | 5,301 | In-session |  | Provisional annotated agenda | English | 31/10/2007 12:01 | | 5,301.1 | Pre-session |  | Provisional annotated agenda | English | 24/11/2007 19:42 | | 5,301.2 | Pre-session |  | Secretariat activities | English | 09/11/2007 18:05 | | 5,302 | Pre-session |  | Status of contributions and disbursements | English | 30/10/2007 17:59 | | 5,303 | Pre-session |  | Report on balances and availability of resources | English | 26/10/2007 20:56 | | 5,304 | Pre-session |  | 2007 Business plans | English | 13/11/2007 18:08 | | 5,305.1 | Pre-session |  | Status/prospects of Article 5 countries in achieving compliance with the initial and intermediate control measures of the Montreal Protocol | English | 25/10/2007 19:54 | | 5,306.1 | Pre-session |  | Model rolling three-year phase-out plan: 2008-2010 (follow-up to decision 50/5 (d)) | English | 25/10/2007 17:19 | | 5,307 | Pre-session |  | Extended desk study on low volume methyl bromide projects | English | 29/10/2007 12:25 | | 5,308 | Pre-session |  | 2007 Consolidated project completion report | English | 09/11/2007 14:27 | | 5,309 | Pre-session |  | Lessons learned reported in PCRs received in 2007 | English | 01/11/2007 15:11 | | 5,309.1 | Pre-session |  | Addendum. 2007 Consolidated project completion report | English | 09/11/2007 15:57 | | 5,309.1 | Pre-session |  | Draft monitoring and evaluation work programme for 2008 | English | 27/10/2007 19:19 | | 5,310 | Pre-session |  | Monitoring and evaluation work programme for 2008 | English | 01/02/2008 13:05 | | 5,310.1 | Pre-session |  | Review of the new format for reporting on multi-year agreements, including terminal phase-out management plans (follow-up to decision 51/13) | English | 26/10/2007 20:57 | | 5,311 | Pre-session |  | Projet implementation delays | English | 26/10/2007 20:54 | | 5,312 | Pre-session |  | Annual tranche submission delays | English | 28/10/2007 18:02 | | 5,313 | Pre-session |  | Report on implementation of approved projects with specific reporting requirements | English | 30/10/2007 17:35 | | 5,314 | Pre-session |  | Overview of issues identified during project review | English | 31/10/2007 12:01 | | 5,315 | Pre-session |  | Overview of issues identified during project review | English | 22/11/2007 09:35 | | 5,315.1 | Pre-session |  | Overview of issues identified during project review | English | 23/11/2007 14:27 | | 5,315.2 | Pre-session |  | Bilateral Cooperation | English | 25/10/2007 10:53 | | 5,316 | In-session |  | Amendments to work programme for 2007 of UNDP | English | 30/10/2007 17:25 | | 5,317 | Pre-session |  | Amendments to work programme for 2007 of UNEP | English | 02/11/2007 11:59 | | 5,318 | Pre-session |  | Amendments to work programme for 2007 of UNIDO | English | 30/10/2007 17:29 | | 5,319 | Pre-session |  | Compliance Assistance Programme (CAP) budget and work programme for UNEP for the year 2008 | English | 25/10/2007 17:43 | | 5,320 | Pre-session |  | 2008 Core unit costs for UNDP, UNIDO and the World Bank | English | 29/10/2007 15:57 | | 5,321 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Algeria | English | 30/10/2007 14:37 | | 5,322 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Argentina | English | 30/10/2007 15:05 | | 5,323 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Belize | English | 26/10/2007 19:34 | | 5,324 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Brazil | English | 30/10/2007 11:38 | | 5,325 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Brazil | English | 13/11/2007 18:54 | | 5,325.1 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Cambodia | English | 27/10/2007 20:50 | | 5,326 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Chad | English | 26/10/2007 19:34 | | 5,327 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: China | English | 30/10/2007 18:24 | | 5,328 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Cuba | English | 27/10/2007 20:19 | | 5,329 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Cuba | English | 22/11/2007 09:35 | | 5,329.1 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Djibouti | English | 27/10/2007 20:47 | | 5,330 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: El Salvador | English | 26/10/2007 19:33 | | 5,331 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Gambia | English | 27/10/2007 19:20 | | 5,332 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Georgia | English | 26/10/2007 19:31 | | 5,333 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Ghana | English | 26/10/2007 19:30 | | 5,334 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Guyana | English | 26/10/2007 19:35 | | 5,335 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Honduras | English | 26/10/2007 20:56 | | 5,336 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Lebanon | English | 27/10/2007 19:20 | | 5,337 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Liberia | English | 26/10/2007 19:32 | | 5,338 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia | English | 27/10/2007 20:25 | | 5,339 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Malawi | English | 27/10/2007 19:20 | | 5,340 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Maldives | English | 27/10/2007 20:26 | | 5,341 | Pre-session |  | Addendum. Project proposal: Maldives | English | 09/11/2007 15:57 | | 5,341.1 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Mali | English | 29/10/2007 16:02 | | 5,342 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Mauritania | English | 26/10/2007 19:31 | | 5,343 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Mexico | English | 26/10/2007 19:32 | | 5,344 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Mongolia | English | 27/10/2007 19:21 | | 5,345 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Montenegro | English | 29/10/2007 20:07 | | 5,346 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Morocco | English | 26/10/2007 20:55 | | 5,347 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Qatar | English | 29/10/2007 11:34 | | 5,348 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Romania | English | 26/10/2007 20:52 | | 5,349 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Rwanda | English | 26/10/2007 20:53 | | 5,350 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Samoa | English | 27/10/2007 20:26 | | 5,351 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Saudi Arabia | English | 29/10/2007 10:06 | | 5,352 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Sudan | English | 30/10/2007 11:39 | | 5,353 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Thailand | English | 28/10/2007 16:40 | | 5,354 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Togo | English | 27/10/2007 20:33 | | 5,355 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Turkey | English | 29/10/2007 19:48 | | 5,356 | Pre-session |  | Project proposal: Zambia | English | 28/10/2007 18:02 | | 5,357 | Pre-session |  | Country Programe: Montenegro | English | 29/10/2007 19:49 | | 5,358 | Pre-session |  | Country programme: Saudi Arabia | English | 30/10/2007 11:38 | | 5,359 | Pre-session |  | Options for assessing and defining eligible incremental costs for HCFC consumption and production phase-out activities (follow-up to Decision 52/4). (A discussion paper). | English | 28/10/2007 16:45 | | 5,360 | Pre-session |  | Paper on options for possible funding arrangements and levels for institutional strengthening support beyond 2010, and on opportunities to fine-tune the institutional strengthening renewal process (follow-up to decisions 47/49 and 49/32) | English | 09/11/2007 14:25 | | 5,361 | Pre-session |  | Paper on concerns relating to the slow rate of project completion and options to address the issue (follow-up to decision 52/8 (c)) | English | 30/10/2007 14:51 | | 5,362 | Pre-session |  | Report on the operation of the Executive Committee (follow-up to decision 50/41) | English | 28/10/2007 18:25 | | 5,363 | Pre-session |  | Final 2006 accounts | English | 30/10/2007 17:46 | | 5,364 | Pre-session |  | Reconciliation of the 2006 accounts | English | 30/10/2007 17:30 | | 5,365 | Pre-session |  | Revised 2008, 2009 and proposed 2010 budgets of the Fund Secretariat | English | 09/11/2007 17:33 | | 5,366 | Pre-session |  | Report of the 53rd Meeting of the Executive Committee | English | 02/01/2008 16:42 | | 5,367 | Final report |  | Report of the 53rd Meeting of the Executive Committee (without annexes) | English | 25/01/2008 12:31 | | 5,367 | Final report |
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