| | Annex .. Afghanistan agreement |
| | Annex __. Benin agreement |
| | Annex .. Bhutan agreement |
| | Annex --. Republic of Congo agreement |
| | Annex .. DR Congo agreement |
| | Annex .. Georgia agreement |
| | Annex .. Guyana agreement |
| | Annex .. Honduras agreement |
| | Annex .. Kyrgyzstan agreement |
| | Annex .. Lao PDR annex |
| | Annex .. Liberia agreement |
| | Annex .. Mali agreement |
| | Annex .. Mauritius agreement |
| | Annex 9. Draft agreement between the Government of Mexico and the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund for the phase-out of MB |
| | Annex .. Moldova agreement |
| | Annex .. Mongolia agreement |
| | Annex .. Montenegro agreement |
| | Annex.. Namibia agreement |
| | Annex .. Papua New Guinea agreement |
| | Annex .. Paraguay Agreement |
| | Annex .. PICs agreement |
| | Annex 4. Projects for which additional status reports were requested FOR HPMP DEVELOPMENT |
| | Annex 3. Projects for which additional status reports were requested |
| | Annex .. Sao Tome and Principe agreement |
| | Annex.. Seychelles |
| | Annex .. Swaziland agreement |
| | Annex .. Timor-Leste agreement |
| | Annex 5. UNDP Performance indicators |
| | Annex 6. UNEP Performance indicators |
| | Annex 7. UNIDO Performance indicators |
| | Annex .. Venezuela agreement |
| | Annex 11. Views expressed by the ExCom on renewals of IS projects for 63rd |
| | Annex 8. World BankPerformance indicators |
| | Status of the Fund |
| | Annex 2. Revised Country Programme report format |
| | List of approved projects |