| | | | |
|  | | Information Note for Participants | Information Note |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/1 | Provisional agenda | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/1 | Provisional agenda | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/1/Add.1 | Annotated provisional agenda | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/1/Add.1 | Annotated provisional agenda | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/2 | Secretariat activities | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/2 | Secretariat activities | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/3 | Status of contributions and disbursements | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/3 | Status of contributions and disbursements | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/4 | Report on balances and availability of resources | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/4 | Report on balances and availability of resources | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/5 | Status of additional contributions and availability of resources | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/5 | Status of additional contributions and availability of resources | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/6 | Reconciliation of the 2017 accounts (Decision 82/5(g)) | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/6 | Reconciliation of the 2017 accounts (Decision 82/5(g)) | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/7 | Country programme data and prospects for compliance | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/7 | Country programme data and prospects for compliance (part 1) | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/7 | Country programme data and prospects for compliance (part 2) | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/8 | Revised desk study for the evaluation of HCFC phase-out management plan preparation activities to assist with the implementation of the Kigali Amendment | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/8 | Revised desk study for the evaluation of HCFC phase-out management plan preparation activities to assist with the implementation of the Kigali Amendment | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/9/Rev.1 | Terms of reference for the desk study on the sustainability of the Montreal Protocol (Revision) | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/9/Rev.1 | Terms of reference for the desk study on the sustainability of the Montreal Protocol (Revision) | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/10/Rev.1 | Terms of reference for the Desk Study on the evaluation of the energy efficiency in the servicing sector (Revision) | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/10/Rev.1 | Terms of reference for the Desk Study on the evaluation of the energy efficiency in the servicing sector (Revision) | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/11 | Status reports and reports on projects with specific reporting requirements | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/11 | Status reports and reports on projects with specific reporting requirements | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/11/Add.1 | Reports on projects with specific reporting requirements: Addendum 1 | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/11/Add.1 | Reports on projects with specific reporting requirements: Addendum 1 | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/11/Add.2 | Reports on projects with specific reporting requirements: Addendum 2 | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/11/Add.2 | Reports on projects with specific reporting requirements: Addendum 2 (part 1) | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/12 | 2019 consolidated project completion reports | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/12 | 2019 consolidated project completion reports | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/13 | Update on the status of implementation of the 2019-2021 consolidated business plan | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/13 | Update on the status of implementation of the 2019-2021 consolidated business plan | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/14 | Tranche submission delays | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/14 | Tranche submission delays | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/15 | Overview of issues identified during project review | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/15 | Overview of issues identified during project review | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/16 | Bilateral cooperation | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/16 | Bilateral cooperation | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/17 | UNDP Work Programme for 2019 | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/17 | UNDP Work Programme for 2019 | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/18 | UNEP Work Programme for 2019 | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/18 | UNEP Work Programme for 2019 (part 1) | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/18 | UNEP Work Programme for 2019 (part 2) | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/19 | UNIDO Work Programme for 2019 | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/19 | UNIDO Work Programme for 2019 | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/20 | Project Proposal: Armenia | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/20 | Project Proposal: Armenia | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/21 | Project Proposal: Cambodia | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/21 | Project Proposal: Cambodia | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/22 | Project Proposals: China | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/22 | Project Proposals: China | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/23 | Project Proposal: Comoros (The) | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/23 | Project Proposal: Comoros (The) | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/24 | Project Proposal: Costa Rica | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/24 | Project Proposal: Costa Rica | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/25 | Project Proposal: Djibouti | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/25 | Project Proposal: Djibouti | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/26 | Project Proposal: Eswatini | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/26 | Project Proposal: Eswatini | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/27/Rev.1 | Project proposal: Gabon - Revision 1 | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/27/Rev.1 | Project Proposal: Gabon - Revision 1 | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/28 | Project Proposal: Guyana | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/28 | Project Proposal: Guyana | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/29 | Project Proposal: Kuwait | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/29 | Project Proposal: Kuwait | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/30 | Project Proposal: Mali | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/30 | Project Proposal: Mali | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/31 | Project Proposal: Montenegro | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/31 | Project Proposal: Montenegro | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/32 | Project Proposal: Morocco | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/32 | Project Proposal: Morocco | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/33 | Project Proposal: Mozambique | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/33 | Project Proposal: Mozambique | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/34 | Project Proposal: Pakistan | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/34 | Project Proposal: Pakistan | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/35 | Project Proposal: Sierra Leone | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/35 | Project Proposal: Sierra Leone | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/36 | Project Proposal: South Africa | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/36 | Project Proposal: South Africa | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/37 | Project Proposal: Togo | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/37 | Project Proposal: Togo | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/38 | Overview of current monitoring, reporting, verification and enforceable licensing and quota systems | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/38 | Overview of current monitoring, reporting, verification and enforceable licensing and quota systems | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/39 | Review of the administrative cost regime | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/39 | Review of the administrative cost regime | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/40 | Paper on ways to operationalize paragraph 16 of decision XXVIII/2 and paragraph 2 of decision XXX/5 of the Parties (Decision 82/83(c)) | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/40 | Paper on ways to operationalize paragraph 16 of decision XXVIII/2 and paragraph 2 of decision XXX/5 of the Parties (Decision 82/83(c)) | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/41 | Paper on information on relevant funds and financial institutions mobilizing resources for energy efficiency that may be utilized when phasing down HFCs (Decision 82/83(d)) | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/41 | Paper on information on relevant funds and financial institutions mobilizing resources for energy efficiency that may be utilized when phasing down HFCs (Decision 82/83(d)) | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/42 | Summary of the report by the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel on matters related to energy efficiency with regard to the issues identified in decision 82/83(e) (Decision 82/83(f)) | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/42 | Summary of the report by the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel on matters related to energy efficiency with regard to the issues identified in decision 82/83(e) (Decision 82/83(f)) | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/43 | Development of the cost guidelines for the phase-down of HFCs in Article 5 countries: Draft criteria for funding (Decision 82/84) | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/43 | Development of the cost guidelines for the phase-down of HFCs in Article 5 countries: Draft criteria for funding (Decision 82/84) | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/44 | Key aspects related to HFC-23 by-product control technologies | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/44 | Key aspects related to HFC-23 by-product control technologies | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/45 | Potential gender policy for the Multilateral Fund | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/45 | Potential gender policy for the Multilateral Fund | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/46 | Draft report of the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund to the Montreal Protocol to the Thirtieth Meeting of the Parties | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/46 | Draft report of the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund to the Montreal Protocol to the Thirtieth Meeting of the Parties | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/47 | Report of the Sub-Group on the Production Sector (re-issued) | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/47 | Report of the Sub-Group on the Production Sector (re-issued) | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/48 | Report of the Eighty-third meeting of the Executive Committee | Final report |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/48/Corr.1 | Report of the Eighty-third meeting of the Executive Committee - Corrigendum 1 | Final report |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/48/Corr.1 | Report of the Eighty-third meeting of the Executive Committee - Corrigendum 1 | Final report |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/48/Corr.2 | Report of the Eighty-third meeting of the Executive Committee - Corrigendum 2 | Final report |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/48/Corr.2 | Report of the Eighty-third meeting of the Executive Committee - Corrigendum 2 | Final report |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/48/Corr.3 | Report of the Eighty-third meeting of the Executive Committee - Corrigendum 3 | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/48/Corr.3 | Report of the Eighty-third meeting of the Executive Committee - Corrigendum 3 | Pre-session |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/Inf.1 | List of documents | Information Document |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/Inf.2 | Dates and venues of the 84th, 85th and 86th meetings of the Executive Committee | Information Document |
|  | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/Inf.2 | Dates and venues of the 84th, 85th and 86th meetings of the Executive Committee | Information Document |
|  | | Post meeting summary of the 83rd meeting of the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol | Final report |