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83rd meeting of the Executive Committee, Montreal, 27 to 31 May 2019

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83rd meeting of the Executive Committee, Montreal, 27 to 31 May 2019

83rd meeting of the Executive Committee, Montreal, 27 to 31 May 2019

Summary of decisions of the 83rd meeting

Untitled Document


The 83rd meeting of the Executive Committee, which took place in Montreal, Canada, from 27 to 31 May 2019, was attended by the representatives of the 14 Executive Committee member Parties and by participants co‑opted from 23 other countries (see attached list). Mr. Philippe Chemouny of Canada presided as Chair of the Executive Committee in 2019. The Executive Secretary and the Deputy Executive Secretary of the Ozone Secretariat, the President of the Bureau of the Thirtieth Meeting of the Parties, representatives of implementing agencies (IAs), and UNEP as the Treasurer, were also present. Non‑governmental organizations that attended as observers included representatives of the Alliance for Responsible Atmospheric Policy, the Environmental Investigation Agency, the Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development, the Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program and the Refrigerant Gas Manufacturers’ Association of India.

The agenda for the 83rd meeting included the regular items, such as the report on Secretariat activities, status of contributions and disbursements, the return of project balances, the status of additional contributions for HFC‑phase‑down, the report on country programme data and prospects for compliance, status reports and reports on specific projects, and the consolidated project completion report.

With regard to business planning, the Executive Committee considered an update on the status of implementation of the 2019-2021 business plan, and the regular item on tranche implementation delays.

Evaluation matters included the revised desk study for the evaluation of HCFC phase-out management plan (HPMP) preparation activities to assist with the implementation of the Kigali Amendment, and terms of reference for two desk studies: one for the evaluation of the sustainability of Montreal Protocol achievements and another evaluating energy efficiency in the servicing sector.

Project proposals considered included, inter alia, tranches of stage I or stage II of HPMPs, renewals of institutional strengthening projects, project preparations for stage II or stage III of HPMPs, technical assistance for enabling activities for HFC-phase down, and project preparation for compliance with the HFC-23 by-product control obligations.

Policy matters discussed at the meeting included the review of the administrative cost regime, the overview of current monitoring, reporting, verification and enforceable licensing and quota systems developed with support from the Fund, and the potential gender policy for the Fund.

Matters related to the Kigali Amendment continued to be addressed, and they included the issues related to energy efficiency, development of cost guidelines for the phase-down of HFCs in Article 5 countries, and key aspects related to HFC-23 by-product control technologies.

In the margins of the meeting, the Sub‑group on the Production Sector met and discussed the review and analysis of aspects of the guidelines and the standard format used for ODS production verification, and the final progress report of stage I of the HCFC production phase-out management plan (HPPMP) for China.

The Executive Committee took a total of 74 decisions, and approved project and work programme activities for 53 countries with a value of US $9,787,778, including agency support costs for IAs, of which US $326,350 was for HFC-related activities, comprising US $58,850 from regular and US $267,500 from the additional voluntary contributions from a group of donor countries for fast-start implementation of HFC activities.

Secretariat activities[1] (decision 83/1)

The Executive Committee requested the Secretariat to include, in its report to the 84th meeting, an organization chart showing the staffing structure of the Secretariat and the roles and responsibilities assigned to each post.

Financial matters

Status of contributions and disbursements[2] (decision 83/2)

As at 27 May 2019, the balance of the Multilateral Fund stood at US $159,423,266, which was 54 per cent of the total amount pledged for 2019. The loss on the fixed‑exchange‑rate mechanism stood at approximately US $32.8 million since the inception of the mechanism in 2000.

The Executive Committee urged all Parties to pay their contributions to the Multilateral Fund in full and as early as possible and requested the Chief Officer and the Treasurer to continue to follow up with countries that had contributions outstanding for one triennium or more and to report back to the 84th meeting. The Executive Committee also noted with appreciation the first contribution to the Fund by the Government of Uzbekistan and invited the Government of Azerbaijan to continue its internal discussions with a view to commencing contributions to the Multilateral Fund.

Report on balances and availability of resources[3](decision 83/3)

Implementing agencies returned balances of US $5,278,006 against completed projects to the Multilateral Fund.

The Executive Committee requested bilateral and IAs to disburse or cancel commitments not needed for completed projects and projects completed “by decision of the Executive Committee” and to return the balances at the 84th meeting. UNEP and UNIDO were requested to disburse or cancel commitments for projects completed over two years previously and to return the balances at the 84th meeting. UNEP was requested to return the outstanding balance for one survey of ODS alternatives project before the 84th meeting.

The Treasurer was requested to follow up on the return of accrued interest by the Government of France, which would be considered as an additional income to the Fund.

Taking into account the return of balances and the updated information reported by the Treasurer, the total resources available at the present meeting for new commitments amounted to US $164,711,004.

Status of additional contributions to the Multilateral Fund and availability of resources[4] (decision 83/4)

The Executive Committee requested the Treasurer, to submit to the 84th meeting, as part of the 2018 accounts of the Fund, a certified statement of income and disbursements of the additional contributions for fast-start support for the implementation of HFC phase‑down separately from the regular contributions to the Multilateral Fund; and decided to consider at the 84th meeting how to use any remaining balances, taking into consideration the consultations on the issue between the Chief Officer and the 17 donor countries that had paid additional contributions to the Fund.

Reconciliation of the 2017 accounts[5] (decision 83/5)

The Executive Committee noted the reconciliation of the 2017 accounts and the submission by UNEP of a revision to its progress report as at 31 December 2017, and requested UNEP to carry out some adjustments in its 2018 accounts.

Country programme data and prospects for compliance[6] (decision 83/6)

Hundred and forty-three countries submitted their country programme data reports for the year 2017, out of which 122 countries used the web‑based system. The Central African Republic submitted its country programme data report for 2013, and an additional 70 countries for 2018 after the issuance of document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/7. The Executive Committee requested the Secretariat to send a letter to the Government of Yemen that has outstanding 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 CP data reports, urging it to submit these reports immediately.

With regard to the revised country programme data report format, Executive Committee members were asked to provide comments on the draft prepared by the Secretariat and contained in document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/7 by 1 August 2019, and the Secretariat was requested to prepare, for the 84th meeting, an updated draft revised format for country programme data reports and the draft Practical Manual for Country Programme Data Reporting, taking into account the comments provided by Executive Committee members and the discussions at the 83rd meeting.


Revised desk study for the evaluation of HCFC phase-out management plan preparation activities to assist with the implementation of the Kigali Amendment (decision 83/7)

The Executive Committee invited the bilateral and IAs to apply, where appropriate, the findings and recommendations of the revised desk study for the evaluation of the HPMP preparation activities to assist with the implementation of the Kigali Amendment,[7] and requested the Secretariat, when developing draft guidelines for HFC project preparation funding, to take into account the lessons learned from it, as well as other relevant information and decisions of the Executive Committee.

Terms of reference for the desk study for the evaluation of the sustainability of Montreal Protocol achievements (decision 83/8)

The Executive Committee approved the terms of reference for the desk study for the evaluation of the sustainability of the Montreal Protocol achievements.[8]

Terms of reference for the desk study for the evaluation of the energy efficiency in the servicing sector (decision 83/9)

The Executive Committee approved the terms of reference for the evaluation of the energy efficiency in the servicing sector.[9]

Programme implementation

Status reports and reports on projects with specific reporting requirements[10] (decisions 83/10 to 83/44)

The Executive Committee noted that bilateral and IAs would report to the 84th meeting on 51 projects recommended for additional status reports and approved the recommendations on continuing projects with specific issues. It took decisions on the final report on the pilot demonstration project on ODS waste management and disposal for Cuba, four projects on temporary use of a high-global-warming potential (GWP) technology in approved projects,[11] reports related to HPMPs for 13 countries, [12] demonstration projects for low-GWP alternatives to HCFCs and feasibility studies for district cooling for five countries and two regions, [13] and the request for change of IA for the HPMP and enabling activities for the Philippines. It also approved the extension of the completion date for the enabling activities for HFC phase‑down for 51 countries[14] on the understanding that no further extension would be requested and that bilateral and IAs would submit a final report within six months of the project completion date.

The Executive Committee also considered two documents[15] that included reports on projects with specific reporing requirements pertaining to China.

With regard to the review of current monitoring, reporting, verification and enforcement systems in accordance with HPMP and HPPMP agreements and the desk study on the current system of monitoring consumption of foam blowing agents at enterprises assisted under stage I of the HPMP and verification methodology, the Executive Committee welcomed the regulatory and enforcement actions to be undertaken by the Government of China (i.e., increase and extension of penalties for enterprises’ non‑compliance with the controlled‑substance regulations, intensification of inspections of enterprises currently or formerly using controlled substances, implementation of controlled-substance inspection plans for ecology and environment bureaux (EEBs), increased provision of support and enforcement tools to EEBs, development of an online registration and tracking system for controlled substance users, increased training for customs officers, conduct of an annual mass balance analysis of foam blowing components to determine the market size of the foam sector, and publicizing of the outcome of investigations and increased communication with industry). The Executive Committee noted with appreciation that the Government of China will undertake additional actions in support of its enforcement actions (i.e., establishment of a national controlled atmospheric monitoring network for controlled substances and of an additional six testing laboratories for controlled substances in products and real-time flow monitoring of CTC at chloromethane production enterprises). It also noted with appreciation that the Government of China will consider suggestions to supplement and augment its regulatory and enforcement actions (i.e., fast-track atmospheric monitoring through movement or modification of existing equipment and/or flask sampling, increased direction on enforcement at the provincial level from the national government, development of performance indicators for enforcement activities, such as the number of customs officers trained or inspections undertaken, extension of penalties and prohibitions to consumers of controlled substances or products containing controlled substances, where appropriate, regular and frequent consultations with industry and enterprises to ascertain market conditions, random testing of products that might contain controlled substances, conduct of annual mass balance analysis of refrigeration and air-conditioning market to determine market size and verify reported HCFC consumption, and reporting on the details of enforcement activities, including the capacity of the reactor, amount of controlled substance on site, relevant records on feedstock purchases and sales, any penalties resulting from the enforcement action). The Executive Committee further noted that the Government of China will consider engaging a non-governmental consultant to undertake a study, including quantitative data, where available, and qualitative market information, to determine the regulatory, enforcement, policy or market circumstances that might have led to the illegal production and use of CFC-11 and CFC-12, and that it will report to the Executive Committee, at the 84th meeting and again to the 86th meeting, on its progress in implementing all these activities. The Executive Committee decided to consider at the 84th meeting possible forms of remedy in relation to illegal production and/or consumption of CFC-11 in China after 2008, and continued funding of stage II of the HPMP and stage II of the HPPMP.

The Executive Committee deferred the consideration of the financial audit reports for the CFC production, halon, polyurethane foam, process agent II, refrigeration servicing and solvent sectors in China to the 84th meeting.

With regard to the sector plan for the phase-out of methyl bromide consumption in China, the Executive Committee noted that no consumption of methyl bromide had been reported in China for 2018 except for any critical use exemptions approved by the Parties, and requested the Government of China and UNIDO to include in the verification of the 2018 methyl bromide production the amounts used for methyl bromide consumption and to submit the project completion report no later than the 84th meeting.

On the sector plan for the phase-out of methyl bromide production in China, the Executive Committee noted the progress report on the contract for the development of the management information system and its incorporation in the monitoring and supervision programme to be implemented by the Customs Authority, and the update to the work plan in order to ensure the long-term, sustained monitoring of methyl bromide after completion of the sector plan for the phase-out of methyl bromide production, and requested the Government of China, through UNIDO, to provide, at the 84th meeting, an update on this contract, and to include an update regarding the methyl bromide labelling and traceability system in the annual report on the status of implementation of this sector plan to be submitted at the 84th meeting.

2019 Consolidated project completion report[16] (decision 83/45)

The Executive Committee urged bilateral and IAs to submit to the 84th meeting the project completion reports (PCRs) for multi-year agreements (MYAs) and individual projects that were due, and if they were not going to submit them, to provide the reasons. Lead and cooperating agencies were urged to closely coordinate their work in finalizing their portion of PCRs to allow the lead IA to submit the completed PCRs according to schedule. The Executive Committee urged bilateral and IAs to enter clear, well written and thorough lessons when submitting their PCRs, and invited all those involved in the preparation and implementation of MYAs and individual projects to take into consideration the relevant lessons learned from PCRs when preparing and implementing future projects.

Business planning

Update on the status of implementation of the 2019–2021 consolidated business plan of the Multilateral Fund[17] (decision 83/46)

The Executive Committee noted that HFC phase-down activities submitted to the 83rd meeting amounted to US $1,849,684, including US $64,200 for activities not included in the 2019–2021 business plans, and the reports by UNIDO on discussions held with national ozone units with respect to the ratings in the qualitative performance assessments.  

Tranche submission delays[18] (decision 83/47)

Thirty-four out of 70 activities related to tranches of HPMPs that were due for submission to the 83rd meeting were submitted on time. Relevant bilateral and IAs indicated that the late submission of the tranches of HPMPs due for submission at the first meeting of 2019 would have no impact, or was unlikely to have an impact, on compliance with the Montreal Protocol, and that there was no indication that any of the countries concerned were in non‑compliance with the Montreal Protocol control measures.

The Secretariat will send letters to the relevant Governments regarding the decisions on tranche submission delays. The Secretariat was also requested to review the existing procedure for project cancellation and report back to the Executive Committee at its 84th meeting on how the procedure could be applied to MYAs.

With regard to the HPMP for Algeria, the Executive Committee decided that, if a response from the Government of Algeria to the letter of 21 December 2018 sent by the Chief Officer had not been received by the Secretariat by 30 August 2019, to cancel its stage I, noting that the Government could submit a funding request for the preparation of stage II at a future meeting of the Executive Committee and requested UNIDO to return any balances from stage I at the 84th meeting.

Project proposals[19]

Verification reports of low-volume-consuming (LVC) countries’ compliance with their HPMP agreements (decision 83/48)

The Executive Committee decided to request relevant bilateral and IAs to include in the amendments to their respective work programmes, due for submission at the 84th meeting, funding in the amount of US $30,000, plus agency support costs, for verification reports for stage I of the HPMPs for 15 countries[20] and for verification reports for stage II of the HPMPs for two countries.[21]

Approved projects (decisions 83/49, 83/51 to 83/52, and 83/56 to 83/59)

Funding of US $9,787,778, including agency support costs, was approved for: renewals of institutional strengthening projects (US $3,703,111) for 28 countries;[22] project preparations for stage II of HPMPs (US $377,900) for nine countries;[23] project preparations for stage III of HPMPs (US $294,250) for four countries; [24] technical assistance for enabling activities for HFC-phase down (US $267,500) for the Syrian Arab Republic; and project preparation (US $58,850) that would enable Mexico to comply with the HFC-23 by-product control obligations. Additionally, funding was approved for the tranches of stage I of the HPMP (US $2,538,229) for 14 countries;[25] and for tranches of stage II of the HPMP (US $2,547,938) for three countries.[26]

Projects not approved (decision 83/50)

The Executive Committee decided not to approve the requests for project preparation for the HFC‑related projects in three countries.

China (decisions 83/53 to 83/55)

The Executive Committee decided to defer, to the 84th meeting, further consideration of the incremental operating costs incentive scheme of the room air-conditioning sector plan under stage I of the HPMP for China.

It also decided to request the Government of China and UNEP to submit, at the 84th meeting, updated information on the level of funds disbursed under the refrigeration servicing sector plan of stage I of the HPMP for the country, and to return, at the 85th meeting, any potential balances to the Fund.

The Executive Committee decided to defer, to the 84th meeting, consideration of the revision of the Agreement for stage II of the HPMP for China and the requests for the third tranches of the extruded polystyrene foam sector plan, the industrial and commercial refrigeration and air‑conditioning sector plan, the refrigeration servicing sector plan and enabling programme, and the solvent sector plan under stage II of the HPMP for China.

Bilateral cooperation

The Executive Committee noted that there would be no offset of the costs of bilateral projects at the 83rd meeting.

Overview of current monitoring, reporting, verification and enforceable licensing and quota systems developed with support from the Multilateral Fund (decision 83/60)

The Executive Committee requested the Secretariat to forward the document prepared on this matter[27] to the Ozone Secretariat so that it could be annexed to the document on the Overview of the procedures under the Multilateral Fund by which the Parties review and ensure continuing compliance with the terms of agreements under the Fund, and made available to the Parties at the 41st meeting of the Open‑Ended Working Group; and to defer further consideration of the document to the 84th meeting, taking into account any decisions that the Parties might take at their Thirty-First Meeting on the issues raised therein.

Review of administrative cost regime: Analysis by country of project management units, institutional strengthening, and implementing agencies, including activities and funding under the Compliance Assistance Programme, core units and other elements of the administrative cost regime, and information on national level independent verification[28] (decision 83/61)

The Executive Committee requested bilateral and IAs, when submitting tranche funding requests for HPMPs, to include: in the tranche implementation plan, the specific activities that would be implemented by the project management unit (PMU), and the associated funding; and in the implementation report of the previous tranche, the activities implemented by the PMU and the associated funding disbursed.

Matters related to the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol

Energy efficiency

Paper on ways to operationalize paragraph 16 of decision XXVIII/2 and paragraph 2 of XXX/5 of the Parties[29] (decision 83/62)

Members of the Executive Committee discussed the text prepared by the Secretariat on this matter in a contact group and made considerable progress. The Executive Committee decided to continue discussing this matter at its 84th meeting and to use that text as the basis for further discussion.

Paper on information on relevant funds and financial institutions mobilizing resources for energy efficiency that may be utilized when phasing down HFCs[30] (decision 83/63)

The Executive Committee decided to defer to the 84th meeting consideration of the issues raised by this paper.

Summary of the report by the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel on matters related to energy efficiency with regard to the issues identified in decision 82/83(e) [31] (decision 83/64)

The Executive Committee decided to defer to the 84th meeting consideration of this summary.

Development of the cost guidelines for the phase‑down of HFCs in Article 5 countries: Draft criteria for funding[32] (decision 83/65)

The Executive Committee requested the Secretariat to prepare, for the 85th meeting, a document providing analysis of the level and modalities of funding for HFC phase-down in the refrigeration servicing sector, in light of the information provided in document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/82/64 and guidance provided by the Executive Committee, including the flexibility that Article 5 countries had in implementing their servicing sector activities in line with their national circumstances and the planned and ongoing activities in their HPMP.

The Executive Committee will consider, at the 84th meeting, the matter of disposal of controlled substances, in light of the final report on the evaluation of pilot demonstration projects on ODS disposal and destruction.

It also decided to continue to use the draft template for the cost guidelines for the phase-down of HFCs and the list of outstanding elements, as working documents for discussions at the 84th and future meetings, noting that additional elements could be added as required.

Key aspects related to HFC‑23 by‑product control technologies[33] (decisions 83/66 to 83/67)

The Executive Committee decided to defer to the 84th meeting further consideration of the project proposal to control HFC-23 by-product emissions in Argentina and the associated policy issues raised by the Secretariat.

The Executive Committee approved the funding for UNIDO to enable it to submit, to the 84th meeting, on behalf of the Government of Mexico, project proposal options that would enable the Government to comply with the HFC-23 by-product control obligations under the Kigali Amendment. It requested UNIDO to include, in its submission to the 84th meeting, information regarding the relationship between the country’s control of HFC-23 by-product emissions and the nationally determined contributions of the Government of Mexico under the Paris Agreement. It also requested the Secretariat to present a document reviewing each of the project proposal options submitted to the 84th meeting; to discuss the criteria for funding the activities related to the compliance obligations of Article 5 parties at the 84th meeting; and to request UNIDO to return any remaining balances from the funding approved for this purpose by the 86th meeting.

Potential gender policy for the Multilateral Fund [34] (decision 83/68)

The Executive Committee noted the elements for a potential gender policy for the Multilateral Fund and requested bilateral and IAs to apply their corporate gender policies in the preparation and implementation of projects funded by the Multilateral Fund. It also requested the Secretariat, in consultation with bilateral and IAs, to prepare a document for consideration at the 84th meeting, presenting a draft policy on gender mainstreaming for Multilateral Fund-supported projects and how such a policy could be operationalized, taking into account the discussion on the matter at the 83rd meeting.

Draft report of the Executive Committee to the Thirty-First Meeting of the Parties [35] (decision 83/69)
The Executive Committee authorized the Secretariat to finalize the report of the Executive Committee to the Thirty-First Meeting of the Parties in the light of the discussions held and decisions taken at the 83rd meeting and, following clearance by the Chair, to submit it to the Ozone Secretariat.

Report of the Sub-group on the Production Sector[36] (decisions 83/70 to 83/73)

The Sub‑group on the Production Sector (Argentina, Canada (facilitator), China, France, Grenada, Niger, Norway and the United States of America) met in the margins of the 83rd meeting.  

At the recommendation of the Sub-group, the Executive Committee requested the Secretariat to update and submit, for the consideration by the Committee at its 84th meeting, the draft guidelines and standard format used during the verification of ODS production phase-out funded by the Multilateral Fund contained in document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/32/33, taking into consideration current practices and making the changes requested by the Executive Committee. The Committee also decided to determine, on a case‑by‑case basis, the additional costs for the verification of additional production lines not established at the time of approval of the production phase-out plan. The Sub-group also considered the final progress report on the implementation of stage I of the HPPMP for China and the Executive Committee requested the Government of China, through the World Bank, to submit an executive summary of the final report on the investigation of HCFC feedstock applications in China for 2014 and 2015 in the English language by 1 July 2019, and to conduct the investigation of HCFC feedstock applications in China for the period 2016 to 2018 and to submit the final report in the original language and an executive summary in English by 15 January 2020. The Executive Committee also requested the Secretariat to prepare a preliminary document on HCFC feedstock applications in China for consideration of the Sub-group at the 84th meeting, on the basis of the 2014-2015 report and executive summary, and a final document to the 85th meeting based on both documents and executive summaries.

Due to a lack of time, neither stage II of the HPPMP for China nor the HCFC production sector guidelines were discussed by the Sub-group and, therefore, the Executive Committee deferred consideration of both issues to a future meeting.

Other matters

Dates and venues of the 84th, 85th and 86th meetings of the Executive Committee[37] (decision 83/74)

The Executive Committee decided to hold its 84th meeting from 16 to 20 December 2019 in Montreal, its 85th meeting from 25 to 29 May 2020 in Montreal, at a venue to be decided, and its 86th meeting during the week preceding the Thirty-Second Meeting of the Parties, which was tentatively booked for 23 to 27 November 2020, at a venue to be decided.

Report of the 83rd meeting

A complete record of all decisions made at the 83rd meeting can be found in the “Report of the Eighty‑third Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol” (UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/48) that is published on the Multilateral Fund’s website (www.multilateralfund.org) and available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French and Spanish.

Annex I ‑ Attendance at the 83rd meeting of the Executive Committee 

Executive Committee members

Co‑opted countries



Non‑Article 5






Canada (Chair)



Germany, Italy, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland






Finland, Sweden

United States of America




Article 5





Brazil, Colombia, Uruguay




India, Philippines, Samoa


Cuba, Guyana, Mexico


Bahrain, Micronesia (Federated States of)


Burkina Faso

Rwanda (Vice Chair)

Ghana, Nigeria, Zimbabwe

[8]Contained in document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/9/Rev.1
[9]Contained in document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/10/Rev.1
[10]UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/11, Add.1 and Add.2
[11]Brazil, Cuba, Lebanon and Trinidad and Tobago.
[12]Bahamas, Bangladesh, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Honduras, India (stages I and II), Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Jordan, Maldives, North Macedonia, Suriname and Tunisia.
[13]Egypt, Kuwait (two projects), Morocco, Sa9udi Arabia (three projects) and Thailand; Europe and Central Asia and West Asia regions. 
[14]Angola, Armenia, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chile, China, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Eritrea, Fiji, Gabon, the Gambia, Ghana, Guatemala, Jamaica, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Lesotho, Malaysia, Maldives, Mexico, Mongolia, Namibia, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Palau, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Senegal, Serbia, Somalia, Sudan, Suriname, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uruguay, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
[15]UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/11/Add.1 and Add.2
[19]UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/15 to 83/37
[20]Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cook Islands, Guatemala, Honduras, Kiribati, Lesotho, Marshall Islands, Micronesia (Federated States of), Montenegro, Nauru, Niue, South Sudan, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.
[21]Angola and Armenia.
[22]Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Chile, Colombia, Côte d'Ivoire, Cuba, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, Eswatini, the Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Honduras, Kiribati, Liberia, Mongolia, Palau, Philippines, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
[23]Botswana, Eswatini, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Suriname, Syrian Arab Republic, Togo, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
[24]Dominican Republic, Nigeria, Panama and Uruguay.
[25]Cambodia, Comoros, Costa Rica, Djibouti, Eswatini, Gabon, Kuwait, Mali, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, South Africa and Togo.
[26]Armenia, Guyana and Pakistan.

Report of the Eighty-third meeting of the Executive Committee

8348.pdf8348UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/48Report of the Eighty-third meeting of the Executive Committee
83PMS.pdf83PMSPost meeting summary of the 83rd meeting of the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol
8348c1.pdf8348c1UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/48/Corr.1Report of the Eighty-third meeting of the Executive Committee - Corrigendum 1
8348c2.pdf8348c2UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/48/Corr.2Report of the Eighty-third meeting of the Executive Committee - Corrigendum 2
8348c3.pdf8348c3UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/48/Corr.3Report of the Eighty-third meeting of the Executive Committee - Corrigendum 3

تقرير الاجتماع الثالث والثمانين للجنة التنفيذية

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UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/48تقرير الاجتماع الثالث والثمانين للجنة التنفيذية
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Rapport de la Quatre-vingt-troisième réunion du Comité Exécutif

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UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/48Rapport de la Quatre-vingt-troisième réunion du Comité Exécutif
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UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/83/48/Corr.1Rapport de la Quatre-vingt-troisième réunion du Comité Exécutif - Corrigendum

Informe de la octogésima tercera reunión del Comité Ejecutivo

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  Production sector (Executive Committee members only)
  In-session site for the 83rd meeting (Participants only)