| | | | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/76 | Adjusted business plan of the Multilateral Fund for 2017-2019 after the 77th meeting of the Executive Committee (29 Dec 2016) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/1 | Provisional agenda | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/1 | Provisional agenda | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/1/Add.1 | Annotated provisional agenda | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/1/Add.1 | Annotated provisional agenda | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/2 | Secretariat activities | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/2 | Secretariat activities | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/3 | Status of Contributions and Disbursements | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/3/Corr.1 | Status of Contributions and Disbursements | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/3/Corr.1 | Status of Contributions and Disbursements | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/3 | Status of Contributions and Disbursements Report from the Treasurer (without tables) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/4 | Report on balances and availability of resources | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/4 | Report on balances and availability of resources | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/5 | Update on the status of implementation of the 2016-2018 consolidated business plan of the Multilateral Fund | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/5 | Update on the status of implementation of the 2016-2018 consolidated business plan of the Multilateral Fund | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/5/Add.1 | Addendum - Update on the status of implementation of the 2016-2018 consolidated business plan of the Multilateral Fund | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/5/Add.1 | Addendum - Update on the status of implementation of the 2016-2018 consolidated business plan of the Multilateral Fund | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/6 | Tranche submission delays | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/6 | Tranche submission delays | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/7 | 2016 Consolidated project completion report | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/7 | 2016 Consolidated project completion report | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/8 | Multi-year agreement database report (decision 76/6(b)) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/8 | Multi-year agreement database report (decision 76/6(b)) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/9 | Final report on the evaluation of HCFC phase-out projects in the refrigeration and air-conditioning manufacturing sector | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/9 | Final report on the evaluation of HCFC phase-out projects in the refrigeration and air-conditioning manufacturing sector (and Corrs.1 and 2) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/9/Corr.1 | Final report on the evaluation of HCFC phase-out projects in the refrigeration and air-conditioning manufacturing sector | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/9/Corr.1 | Final report on the evaluation of HCFC phase-out projects in the refrigeration and air-conditioning manufacturing sector | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/9/Corr.2 | Final report on the evaluation of HCFC phase-out projects in the refrigeration and air-conditioning manufacturing sector | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/9/Corr.2 | Final report on the evaluation of HCFC phase-out projects in the refrigeration and air-conditioning manufacturing sector | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/10/Rev.1 | Draft monitoring and evaluation workprogramme 2017 | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/10/Rev.1 | Draft monitoring and evaluation work programme for 2017 | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/11 | Consolidated Progress Report as at 31 December 2015 (part 1) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/11 | Consolidated Progress Report as at 31 December 2015 (part 1) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/11 | Consolidated Progress Report as at 31 December 2015 (part 2) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/12 | Progress Report of Bilateral Cooperation as at 31 December 2015 | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/12 | Progress Report of Bilateral Cooperation as at 31 December 2015 | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/13 | Progress Report of UNDP as at 31 December 2015 | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/13 | Progress Report of UNDP as at 31 December 2015 (part 1) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/13 | Progress Report of UNDP as at 31 December 2015 (part 2) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/14 | Progress report of UNEP as at 31 December 2015 | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/14 | Progress report of UNEP as at 31 December 2015 (part 1) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/14 | Progress report of UNEP as at 31 December 2015 (part 2) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/15 | Progress report of UNIDO as at 31 December 2015 | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/15 | Progress report of UNIDO as at 31 December 2015 (part 1) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/15 | Progress report of UNIDO as at 31 December 2015 (part 2) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/16 | Progress report of the World Bank as at 31 December 2015 | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/16 | Progress report of the World Bank as at 31 December 2015 (part 1) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/16 | Progress report of the World Bank as at 31 December 2015 (part 2) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/17 | Evaluation of the implementation of the 2015 business plans | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/17 | Evaluation of the implementation of the 2015 business plans | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/18 | Country programme data and prospects for compliance | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/18 | Country programme data and prospects for compliance | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/19 | Status reports and reports on projects with specific reporting requirements | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/19 | Status reports and reports on projects with specific reporting requirements | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/19/Add.1 | Addendum - Status reports and reports with specific reporting requirements | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/19/Add.1 | Addendum - Status reports and reports with specific reporting requirements | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/20 | Consolidated business plan of the Multilateral Fund for 2017-2019 (part 1) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/20 | Consolidated business plan of the Multilateral Fund for 2017-2019 (part 1) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/20 | Consolidated business plan of the Multilateral Fund for 2017-2019 (part 2) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/21 | Bilateral agencies’ business plans for 2017-2019 | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/21 | Bilateral agencies’ business plans for 2017-2019 | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/22 | UNDP business plan for 2017-2019 | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/22 | UNDP business plan for 2017-2019 (part 1) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/22 | UNDP business plan for 2017-2019 (part 2) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/23 | UNEP business plan for 2017-2019 | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/23 | UNEP business plan for 2017-2019 (part 1) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/23 | UNEP business plan for 2017-2019 (part 2) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/24 | UNIDO business plan for 2017-2019 | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/24 | UNIDO business plan for 2017-2019 (part 1) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/24 | UNIDO business plan for 2017-2019 (part 2) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/25 | The World Bank business plan for 2017-2019 | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/25 | The World Bank business plan for 2017-2019 (part 1) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/25 | The World Bank business plan for 2017-2019 (part 2) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/26 | Overview of issues identified during project review | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/26/Add.1 | Addendum. Overview of issues identified during project review | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/26/Add.1 | Addendum. Overview of issues identified during project review | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/26 | Overview of issues identified during project review (part 1) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/27 | Bilateral Cooperation | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/27 | Bilateral Cooperation | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/27/Corr.1 | Bilateral Cooperation | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/27/Corr.1 | Bilateral cooperation | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/28 | UNDP's Work Programme Amendments for 2016 | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/28 | UNDP's Work Programme Amendments for 2016 | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/29 | UNEP's Work Programme Amendment for 2016 | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/29 | UNEP's Work Programme Amendment for 2016 | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/30 | UNIDO's Work Programme Amendments for 2016 | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/30 | UNIDO's Work Programme Amendments for 2016 | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/31 | World Bank’s work programme amendments for 2016 | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/31 | World Bank’s work programme amendments for 2016 | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/32 | UNEP Compliance Assistance Programme budget for 2017 | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/32/Corr.1 | Corrigendum - UNEP’s Compliance Assistance Programme (CAP) Budget for 2017 | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/32/Corr.1 | Corrigendum - UNEP’s Compliance Assistance Programme (CAP) Budget for 2017 | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/32 | UNEP Compliance Assistance Programme budget for 2017 (part 1 only) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/33 | 2017 core unit costs for UNDP, UNIDO and the World Bank | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/33 | 2017 core unit costs for UNDP, UNIDO and the World Bank | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/34 | Project proposal: Angola | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/34 | Project proposal: Angola | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/35 | Project proposal: Armenia | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/35 | Project proposal: Armenia | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/35/Add.1 | Addendum Project Proposal Armenia | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/35/Add.1 | Addendum Project Proposal Armenia | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/36 | Project proposal: Cabo Verde | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/36 | Project proposal: Cabo Verde | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/37 | Project proposals: China | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/37 | Project proposals: China | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/37 | Project proposals: China (attachment UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/76/25) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/38 | Project proposal: Comoros | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/38 | Project proposal: Comoros | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/39 | Project proposal: Cuba | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/39 | Project proposal: Cuba | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/40 | Project proposal: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/40 | Project proposal: Democratic People's Republic of Korea | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/40/Corr.1 | Project proposal: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/40/Corr.1 | Project proposal: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/41 | Project proposal: Dominican Republic | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/41 | Project proposal: Dominican Republic | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/41/Corr.1 | Corrigendum. Project proposal: Dominican Republic | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/41/Corr.1 | Corrigendum. Project proposal: Dominican Republic | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/42 | Project Proposal: El Salvador | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/42 | Project Proposal: El Salvador | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/43 | Project proposal: Eritrea | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/43 | Project proposal: Eritrea | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/44 | Project proposal: Ethiopia | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/44 | Project proposal: Ethiopia | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/45 | Project proposal: Fiji | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/45 | Project proposal: Fiji | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/46 | Project proposal: Gambia (The) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/47 | Project proposal: Gambia (The) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/47 | Project proposal: Grenada | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/47 | Project proposal: Grenada | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/47/Add.1 | Addendum Project Proposal Grenada | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/47/Add.1 | Addendum Project Proposal Grenada | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/48 | Project proposal: Guinea-Bissau | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/48 | Project proposal: Guinea-Bissau | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/49 | Project proposals: India | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/49 | Project proposals: India | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/50 | Project proposal: Iran (Islamic Republic of) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/50 | Project proposal: Iran (Islamic Republic of) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/51 | Project proposals: Jordan | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/51 | Project proposals: Jordan | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/51/Add.1 | Addendum Project Proposal Jordan | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/51/Add.1 | Addendum Project Proposal Jordan | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/52 | Project proposal: Kenya | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/52 | Project proposal: Kenya | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/53 | Project Proposal: Malawi | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/53 | Project Proposal: Malawi | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/54 | Project proposals: Malaysia | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/54 | Project proposals: Malaysia | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/55 | Project proposal: Mexico | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/55 | Project proposal: Mexico | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/56 | Project Proposal: Mongolia | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/56 | Project Proposal: Mongolia | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/57 | Project proposal: Papua New Guinea | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/57 | Project proposal: Papua New Guinea | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/58 | Project proposal: Republic of Moldova | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/58 | Project proposal: Republic of Moldova | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/59 | Project Proposal: Rwanda | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/59 | Project Proposal: Rwanda | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/59/Add.1 | Addendum - Project proposal: Rwanda | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/59/Add.1 | Addendum - Project proposal: Rwanda | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/60 | Project proposal: Saudi Arabia | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/60 | Project proposal: Saudi Arabia | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/61 | Project proposal: Senegal | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/61 | Project proposal: Senegal | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/62 | Project proposal: Somalia | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/62 | Project proposal: Somalia | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/63 | Project proposal: South Sudan | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/63 | Project proposal: South Sudan | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/64 | Project Proposal: Swaziland | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/64 | Project Proposal: Swaziland | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/64/Add.1 | Addendum. Project Proposal: Swaziland | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/64/Add.1 | Addendum. Project Proposal: Swaziland | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/65 | Project proposal: Thailand | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/65 | Project proposal: Thailand | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/66 | Project proposal: Uganda | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/66 | Project proposal: Uganda | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/67 | Project proposal: Uruguay | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/67 | Project proposal: Uruguay | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/68 | Project proposal: Zambia | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/68 | Project proposal: Zambia | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/69 | Calculation of the level of incremental costs for the conversion of heat exchangers manufacturing lines in enterprises converting to HC-290 technology (decision 76/51) (part 1) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/69 | Calculation of the level of incremental costs for the conversion of heat exchangers manufacturing lines in enterprises converting to HC-290 technology (decision 76/51) (part 2) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/69 | Calculation of the level of incremental costs for the conversion of heat exchangers manufacturing lines in enterprises converting to HC-290 technology (decision 76/51) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/70/Rev.1 | Issues relevant to Executive Committee arising from the Twenty-eighth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/70/Rev.1 | Issues relevant to Executive Committee arising from the Twenty-eighth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/71 | Review of the operation of the Executive Committee (decision 76/55(b) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/71 | Review of the operation of the Executive Committee (decision 76/55(b) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/72 | Final 2015 Accounts (part 1) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/72 | Final 2015 Accounts | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/72 | Final 2015 accounts (Annex I) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/73 | Reconciliation of the 2015 Accounts | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/73 | Reconciliation of the 2015 Accounts | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/74 | Approved 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018, and proposed 2019 budgets of the Fund Secretariat (part 1) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/74 | Approved 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018, and proposed 2019 budgets of the Fund Secretariat | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/76/74 | Approved 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018, and proposed 2019 budgets of the Fund Secretariat (part 2) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/75/Rev.1 | Report of the Sub-group on the Production Sector | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/75/Rev.1 | Report of the Sub-group on the Production Sector | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/76 | Report of the Seventy-seventh meeting of the Executive Committee (without annexes) | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/76 | Report of the Seventy-seventh meeting of the Executive Committee | |
 | | | Information note for participants | |
 | | | Information note for participants | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/Inf.1 | List of documents | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/Inf.1 | List of documents | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/Inf.2 | Rules of Procedures and decisions of the Executive Committee for meetings of the Executive Committee regarding Observers | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/Inf.2 | Rules of Procedures and decisions of the Executive Committee for meetings of the Executive Committee regarding Observers | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/Inf.3 | Dates and venues of the 78th,79th and 80th meetings of the Executive Committee | |
 | | UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/77/Inf.3 | Dates and venues of the 78th,79th and 80th meetings of the Executive Committee | |
 | | | Post meeting summary of the 77th meeting of the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund | |
 | | | Post meeting summary of the 77th meeting of the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund | |