35. the Executive Committee decided:
(a) To take note of the consolidated project completion report (UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/38/7 and Add.1), including the schedule for submission of project completion reports (PCRs) due in 2003;
(b) To request the implementing agencies, in cooperation with the Multilateral Fund Secretariat, to establish by the end of March 2003 full consistency of data reported in the PCRs, the Inventory of Approved Projects, and the Annual Progress Reports;
(c) Also to request the implementing agencies to provide final financial figures on actual expenditures of financially completed projects for projects that were to be evaluated, as required by the Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, instead of updating all PCRs;
(d) To encourage the implementing agencies to provide in future project completion reports insight into the project history, the problems encountered and resolved, and the lessons learned in the process leading to a substantive analysis of projects.
(Decision 38/4)