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38th Meeting of the Executive Committee

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38th Meeting of the Executive Committee > Decisions > 38/02  

Decisions: 38/02



Decision title

Final report on the evaluation of the aerosol projects 

Decision details

The Executive Committee decided:

(a) To take note of the final report on the evaluation of aerosol projects (UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/38/5 and Corr.1);

(b) To request implementing agencies to assess in each future project the feasibility of retrofitting the CFC-gasser equipment, the liquid filler and the crimper and to justify cases where that was not deemed to be possible;

(c) To apply Decision 17/15, paragraph 24 (c), not only to contract aerosol fillers, but also, in certain cases, to other newly converting fillers, reading: “to recognize that savings resulting from CFC phase-out for contract and, in certain cases, other aerosol fillers, and in circumstances where a parallel market exists, may accrue to the national economy but that quantifying these savings is analytically difficult and applying these savings at the project level may not always be feasible.” (changes to Decision 17/15 marked in bold);

(d) To request:

(i) UNIDO to find ways to allow the beneficiary to pay the cost difference for equipment from high-priced bidders if the company insisted on it and provided sufficient guarantees for timely payment;

(ii) The implementing agencies:

• To ensure that in the bidding specifications, the provision of manuals in a language understood by the engineers of the beneficiary company was foreseen, as well as interpreters during equipment installation, if necessary;

• To take the necessary measures to ensure that a fair and equitable opportunity was given to all competent suppliers, regardless of location, in the procurement of goods and services for aerosol sector projects;

• To analyze the current procurement procedures and consider ways and means, within the limitations of their contracting procedures, to include as much input as possible from the country and the beneficiary company concerned when composing the list of potential bidders being considered for all projects, and request them, together with the Secretariat, to report on the progress made in the implementation of sub-paragraph (ii);

(iii) UNEP, in consultation with the Secretariat and the other implementing agencies, to prepare, translate and distribute an up-to-date manual on safety, formula adaptations, and effective destenching methods for aerosol production using Hydrocarbon Aerosol Propellants (HAP).

(Decision 38/2)

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Created at 10/13/2005 9:34 AM  by For Temporarity use 
Last modified at 10/13/2005 9:35 AM  by For Temporarity use