The Executive Committee decided:
(a) To take note of the extended desk study on the evaluation of national phase-out plans contained in document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/45/12, including the proposed evaluation issues and approach for the second phase of the evaluation;
(b) That the follow-up phase of the evaluation should continue as proposed, with the following amendments:
(i) The evaluation should take into account:
i. The fact that in many countries, delays were caused by administrative problems which the country had to deal with by developing new processes and procedures;
ii. The cost of independent verification and the possibility of using more cost-effective alternatives;
iii. The fact that the levels of phase-out of ODS were not directly proportionate to the levels of disbursement;
(ii) The evaluation report should include a section on conclusions highlighting the achievements of the national phase-out plans;
(iii) The list of evaluation issues should also include the following questions:
i. Whether the country felt that there was still a project-by-project approach when several implementing agencies were involved, or whether the national plan approach predominated;
ii. How the country-driven approach had created a stakeholder buy in; and
iii. Whether the sequence of activities had been implemented as planned, and if not, why not.
(Decision 45/11)