(a) To supplement the lower ranges of annual funding levels for institutional strengthening for very low-volume-consuming countries and low volume consuming countries up to a threshold level of US $30,000 per year, on the understanding that:
(i) This amount could be reviewed in the context of the review of institutional strengthening funding levels due to be considered in 2005 in accordance with decision 35/57 and the review of the requirement for further assistance for countries post-2007 also foreshadowed for 2005 under decision 31/48; and (ii) The increase to the US $30,000 threshold level would be provided on the condition that: i. The relevant country duly assigned a full-time officer to manage the ozone unit; and ii. A national licensing system controlling ODS imports was in place; and
(i) This amount could be reviewed in the context of the review of institutional strengthening funding levels due to be considered in 2005 in accordance with decision 35/57 and the review of the requirement for further assistance for countries post-2007 also foreshadowed for 2005 under decision 31/48; and