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43rd Meeting - Geneva, 5-9 July 2004

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43rd Meeting - Geneva, 5-9 July 2004 > Decisions > 43/12  

Decisions: 43/12



Decision title

Project implementation delays 

Decision details

the Executive Committee decided:
(a) To note with appreciation the reports submitted to the Secretariat on projects with implementation delays provided by Canada, France, Germany and the four implementing agencies, as contained in document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/43/17;
(b) To request UNEP, on behalf of the Government of Japan, to provide a report to the 44th Meeting of the Executive Committee on the project “Assistance for a national information, education and communication campaign for compliance with the Montreal Protocol” in Nigeria, which had been classified as a project with implementation delays;
(c) To note that the Secretariat and implementing agencies would take established actions according to the Secretariat’s assessment of status, i.e., progress, some progress, or no progress, and notify governments and implementing agencies as required and report thereon to the next Executive Committee Meeting;
(d) To adopt the milestones and deadlines indicated in the following table:

Conversion from MCF used as solvent to aqua based cleaning at Argelite La Rioja, SA; CIMCAM, SA; Grimoldi, SA; Heliodino SAIC; Integral Metalurgica, SA; Orbis Mertig SAIC; Trosh, SA Unisol, SA and Buffalo, S.A. in Argentina 
Signature of sub-grant agreements by July 2004.

Conversion to CFC-free technology in the manufacture of flexible (slabstock) polyurethane foam at Chengdu Plastics No. 7 in China 
Installation of equipment by September 2004. (decision 42/15)

Training modules on management of ODS phase-out in small and medium enterprises 
Project completion by 1 April 2005. (decision 42/15)

(e) To note the completion of the following projects:
(i) Phase-out of CFC-11 in the manufacture of flexible slabstock foam by conversion to methylene chloride at Plyfoam Limited in the United Republic of Tanzania (URT/FOA/31/INV/13), implemented by UNDP;
(ii) Phase-out of CFC-11 by conversion to methylene chloride in the manufacture of flexible polyurethane foam at Pan Africa Enterprises Ltd. in the United Republic of Tanzania (URT/FOA/26/INV/11), implemented by UNDP;

(f) To note the cancellation, by mutual agreement, of the project for the phase-out of CFC-11 by conversion to n-pentane technology in the manufacture of rigid polyurethane insulation foam at Suzhou Purification Equipment Factory in China (CPR/FOA/28/INV/291), under UNDP implementation where US $262,738 of the US $516,780 approved for the project had been disbursed; and 66 ODP tonnes had been determined as phased out pursuant to decision 39/13 (b); and also to note that UNDP and the Government of China would attempt to recover the equipment for use elsewhere; and

(g) Further to note the automatic cancellation of the following projects:
(i) Phase-out of CFCs in the manufacture of flexible slabstock foam at Richbond S.A. in Morocco (MOR/FOA/22/INV/08) where: US $425,316 of the US $470,625 approved for the project had been disbursed; 150 ODP tonnes had been determined as phased out pursuant to decision 39/13 (b); and also to note that the reason for cancellation was non achievement of the agreed milestone;
(ii) Phase-out of CFCs in the manufacture of flexible slabstock foam at Salidor S.A. in Morocco (MOR/FOA/23/INV/13) where: US $296,775 of the US $299,000 approved for the project had been disbursed; 48 ODP tonnes had been determined as phased out pursuant to decision 39/13 (b); and also to note that the reason for cancellation was non-achievement of the agreed milestone;
(iii) Phase-out of CFCs in the manufacture of flexible slabstock foam at Mousse d'Or S.A in Morocco (MOR/FOA/23/INV/19) where: all the funds approved for the project had been disbursed (US $280,350); 45 ODP tonnes had been determined as phased out pursuant to decision 39/13 (b); and also to note that the reason for cancellation was non-achievement of the agreed milestone; and
(iv) Conversion to LCD technology in the manufacture of flexible slabstock foam to replace CFC-11 at Bonbino Confort in Morocco (MOR/FOA/25/INV/22) where: US $485,483 of the US $490,200 approved for the project had been disbursed; 90 ODP tonnes had been determined as phased out pursuant to decision 39/13 (b); and also to note that the reason for cancellation was non-achievement of the agreed milestone.


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Created at 9/9/2004 4:18 PM  by Julia Dearing 
Last modified at 9/9/2004 4:18 PM  by Julia Dearing