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37th Meeting of the Executive Committee

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37th Meeting of the Executive Committee > Decisions > 37/05  

Decisions: 37/05



Decision title

Report on the information collected concerning the status of implementation of MAC projects:  follow-up to Decision 36/3 

Decision details

The Executive Committee decided:

(a) To take note of the report on information collected concerning the status of implementation of MAC projects as follow-up to Decision 36/3 (UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/37/7, Corr.1 and Corr.2);

(b) To request the Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Officer to prepare an update of the present report in two years when most of the regulations under preparation by the countries concerned should be operational and the production of CFC-12 MAC systems will likely have ended, except for some limited quantities for the after sales market, and in that context to provide also an estimate of the increased use of HFC-134a as a consequence of conversion projects as well as information about filling HFC-134a MAC systems with CFC-12;

(c) To limit the field evaluation to India, the only country which reported that significant numbers of CFC-MAC systems were still being installed by car manufacturers.

(Decision 37/5)

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Created at 10/13/2005 9:46 AM  by For Temporarity use 
Last modified at 10/13/2005 9:46 AM  by For Temporarity use