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 Policies, Procedures, Guidelines and Criteria of the Multilateral Fund

The "Policies, Procedures, Guidelines and Criteria of the Multilateral Fund" contain the policies, procedures, guidelines and criteria, as established by the Meetings of the Parties of the Montreal Protocol and elaborated by the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund in accordance with its terms of reference.
The document is updated after each Executive Committee meeting.
The current version of the document is updated as at June 2024 and includes decisions taken at the 94th Executive Committee Meeting and the 35th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol. The document is available as a PDF file (in its entirety and in 11 separate chapters). 
The supplement "HCFC Phase-out Management Plans and HCFC Production Phase-out Management Plans", containing relevant decisions and agreements on HCFC phase-out multi-year projects and phase-out of production of HCFCs, is available as a PDF file (updated as at June 2024). A new supplement "Kigali HFC implementation plans" contains relevant decisions and agreements on Kigali HFC implementation plans and is available as a PDF file.  Another supplement "Phase-out Plans and Projects" contains relevant decisions and agreements on multi-year projects for the phase-out of other ODS and is also available as a PDF file (updated as at June 2024).


 Policies, Procedures, Guidelines and Criteria of the Multilateral Fund

policies_combined.pdfPolicies, procedures, guidelines and criteria (as at June 2024)11091 KB
Policy94-Introduction.pdfIntroduction109 KB
Policy94-ChapterI.pdfChapter I: Financial mechanism1419 KB
Policy94-ChapterII.pdfChapter II: Executive Committee477 KB
Policy94-ChapterIII.pdfChapter III: Fund Secretariat361 KB
Policy94-ChapterIV.pdfChapter IV: Bilateral cooperation234 KB
Policy94-ChapterV.pdfChapter V: Implementing agencies 2259 KB
Policy94-ChapterVI.pdfChapter VI: Article 5 Parties1122 KB
Policy94-ChapterVII.pdfChapter VII: Controlled substances730 KB
Policy94-ChapterVIII.pdfChapter VIII: Country programme1685 KB
Policy94-ChapterIX.pdfChapter IX: Project proposals3350 KB
Policy94-ChapterX_clean.pdfChapter X: Institutional strengthening559 KB
Policy94-ChapterXI.pdfChapter XI: Monitoring and evaluation1054 KB

 Decisions and agreements - Multi-year projects

HPMPs-HPPMPs 94.pdfHCFC phase-out management plans and HCFC production phase-out management Plans (as at June 2024)
Policy94KIP.pdfKigali HFC implementation plans (June 2024)
Phase-out Policies and Plans 94.pdfPhase-out plans and projects (June 2024)