1. Venue
Due to unavailability of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the venue for the Seventy-sixth meeting of the Executive Committee will be at the Plaza Centre-Ville (EVO) located at 777 Robert-Bourassa Boulevard (i.e. one block south of the ICAO building, across
Saint Antoine Street), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, from 9 to 13 May 2016. The meeting will be held in Conference Room Regency A, on the C level.
2. Meeting schedule
The meeting will take place from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. or as announced at plenary.
3. Meeting documents
(a) All pre-session meeting documents will be posted on the website of the Multilateral Fund four weeks before the start of the meeting as they become available. Translated documents will be posted approximately seven days following the English posting and no physical dispatch of meeting documents in hard copies shall be made in support of efforts towards international paperless meetings. Delegates should continue obtaining their username and password to access the restricted area of the Multilateral Fund website (the log in link can be found at the top right-hand side of the home page) through their heads of delegations. Should any difficulties be encountered with the username and password provided, please contact Mr. Mulu Alem Syoum, Information Network Officer, by e-mail at alem@unmfs.org.
(b) Executive Committee participants are kindly reminded to bring their own laptops to enable access and reference to documents on line. The Secretariat, in cooperation with the Plaza Centre-Ville (EVO), will provide a stable and fast wireless internet connection to access all meeting documents from the Executive Committee Meeting conference room and from any point in the Plaza Centre-Ville (EVO) premises.
(c) It is anticipated that Conference Room Papers (CRPs) and the draft meeting report will be accessible through the restricted area of the Secretariat’s website. All CRPs must be sent by the group facilitator/convenor to Ms. Elina Yuen, Associate Programme Management Officer, by e-mail at elina@unmfs.org.
4. Weather
During the month of May temperatures in Montreal vary between 7 to 20 degrees Celsius.
5. Registration and identification name badges
Participants are requested to collect their badges at the registration desk located in front of Conference Room Regency A, on the C level, on Monday, 9 May 2016, starting at 9 a.m. Access to the meeting of the Executive Committee (and its subsidiary meetings) is by invitation only.
6. Security
For security reasons, badges are required for access to the conference venue, as well as to meeting rooms, and should always be displayed during the meeting.
7. Transportation from airport to downtown Montreal
Transport from the Pierre Elliot Trudeau International Airport to Montreal downtown (Berri Uquam metro station) is available by bus number 747. The bus fare is CAN $10 in coins only and provides the traveller with a transit pass for the bus and metro for the next 24 hours. For more information on the schedule of the shuttle-bus, you could access the timetable by clicking this link: http://www.stm.info/english/info/a-747.htm.
Participants are encouraged to take advantage of the Public Transit System (Société de transport de Montréal) services where available for the Montreal area. The public transportation rate is CAN $3.25/adult or a one-week ticket from Monday to Sunday for CAN $25.50.
Taxis are also available at the airport and a one-way taxi ride to the downtown area costs about CAN $40.
8. Immigration
Please arrange for your entry visas from the Canadian Embassy or Consulate nearest to you at least 4 weeks before your departure time. The letter of invitation issued by the Secretariat should be included in your submission of request for visas. Canadian authorities do not grant visa upon arrival at the airport. Information on visa procedures, including a list of relevant Canadian Embassies, high commissions and consulates abroad, is available on the website of the Citizenship and Immigration Canada (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/offices/index.asp).
For visa-exempt foreign nationals, as of 15 March 2016, they are expected to have an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) to fly to or transit through Canada. Exceptions include U.S. citizens, and travelers with a valid Canadian visa. However, from 15 March 2016 until fall 2016, travelers who require an eTA but do not have one can still board their flight, as long as they have appropriate travel documents, such as a valid passport. During this time, border services officers can let travelers arriving without an eTA into the country, as long as they meet the other requirements to enter Canada. For more information you could access the following website: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/visit/visas-all.asp#eta
9. Sponsored delegates’ travel
Sponsored delegates’ travel for the Seventy-sixth meeting of the Executive Committee will be arranged through Carlson Wagonlit Travel in Geneva in coordination with the Travel Administrator at the Fund Secretariat, Mr. Jack Lee. For any information on ticket issuance please contact Mr. Lee at jack@unmfs.org. Nomination for sponsored delegates should reach the Fund Secretariat no later than four weeks prior to the start of the meeting. Last minute changes in participant nominations or after the ticket issuance may deprive participants’ attendance to the meeting as a result of UMOJA requirement to authorise ticket issuance.
10. Service to delegates
Coffee is provided at no cost to the participants half an hour before the start of each meeting.
11. Postal services
Canada Post covers postal services in Canada. Some postal counters are available in certain pharmacies, business or convenience stores. For other type of courier services, many international companies such as FEDEX, DHL, UPS or Purolator counters are also available around the city.
12. Telephone services
Public telephones are available in various locations in the city. The cost of a local unlimited call is 50 cents. To make long distance calls, you may purchase calling cards from pharmacies, local convenience stores called “Depanneur” and newsstands in Montreal. From any public phone in Canada, you can dial toll free 0 (the operator for collect calls), 411 (directory assistance), 911 (for emergency services such as police, ambulance, fire-fighters).
13. Medical and emergencies
Canada has a public funded health care system but visitors to Canada are required to pay for health services. Participants traveling to Canada are strongly advised to obtain medical insurance before leaving their home country. The Secretariat will not assume responsibility for health services in Canada. Canada does not require that travellers present certificates of vaccination upon arrival. Visitors arriving with medication must be prepared to show a copy of their doctor’s prescription at customs if requested and ensure that the medication containers are labelled accordingly. Visitors should make sure to carry sufficient amount of medication prescribed to them as to purchase prescribed drugs requires prescription from a recognized Canadian practitioner. If health advice or service is required or any additional information on resources available needed you may contact Info-Santé by dialing (514) 934 0354 at all times.
14. Electricity
The North American power supply standard is set at 110 volts and the frequency is 60Hz. Meeting participants are invited to carry appropriate adapters.

15. Exchange rates and banking
The Canadian Dollar is the national currency in Canada composed of one-hundred-point-dollar. The daily exchange rate is posted at hotels and exchange offices. Major credit cards and traveller’s cheques are accepted at most hotels, restaurants and businesses. As for an update on the exchange rate, you could access the following website: http://www.x-rates.com
16. Hotel information
A list of hotels can be found in Annex I to this document or can be accessed through this link: www.icao.int/Meetings/Documents/ListofHotels.pdf. All hotels listed are in the vicinity of the Plaza Centre-Ville (EVO) (777 Robert-Bourassa Boulevard). The prices are in Canadian dollars and are exclusive of taxes and surcharges. Participants to the meeting are advised to make hotel bookings as early as possible to secure accommodation during the meeting and are invited to quote ICAO rates.